About us

25 Dec 2019 14:24:41
"The whole purpose of education is to transform the mirror into a window"

Welcome to CHME Society's (Central Hindu Military Education Society) Vidya Prabodhini Prashala situated at the prime location of   Dr.Moonje Road Rambhomi Nashik.
Our founder Dr. B. S. Moonje made an epoch-making contribution in founding the Central Hindu Military Education Society, our parent body, in the year 1935. He was, then, fired by the desire of Indianization of forces. He was a firm believer in the adage 'MIGHT IS RIGHT'. He knew that the right path to independence of India was by empowering its youth in mind and body. Thus came into being the Bhonsala Military School, in the year 1937. The society has a long tradition of past students who joined the Armed Forces, or have rendered commendable service to the society in such diverse fields as politics, civil services, and social service.
The society has been fortunate in having at the helm such pioneers as Late Shri Bhavanishankar Niyogi and Late Gen. (Retd.) G.G. Bewoor. After independence, a new objective was added to the existing one. It was now imperative to preserve the hard-earned independence; to uphold the integrity and sovereignty of India. Men and women were to be encouraged to actively participate in the Armed forces and civil services. Together with Bhonsala Military School, we too offer preparatory military training to desirous young men and women. Our motto is 'a sound mind in a strong body'. We have slowly and steadily evolved a formidable system, which in days to come will be a leader for institutions which offer military training, like IMA, Dehradun, and NDA.

Our inspiration: The temple of our propitious deity, Lord Rama, in martial regalia, is the Central beauty spot of Ramabhoomi. This temple houses Lord Rama, the bachelor, symbolizing special affinity to the students, referred to as the Ramadandees, those following the path of Rama, the shishya.
The temple with its spiraling tower and peaceful aura is a favourite haunt of the residents and the general public alike. Summer and winter military training programs are run for both boys and girls and they have earned accolades from all strata of society. Each year, the response to these courses is tremendous.
Our philosophy of Education has always been to educate our students for the future and nurture their academic, cultural, Physical, Social and emotional potentials. We embibe Traditional Indian Values and modern values in our students to equip them with modern skills and aptitude required for academic excellence and enable them to face the challenge of life in a balanced and harmonious way.
We believe that every student in unique and special and it is our responsibility to educate them to bring and nurture the best out of every student.
Our school came into existence to provide a perfect balance of academic, Sports, artistic and Social opportunities, which will develop in them Self-expression, Self-confidence and Self-esteem.
Besides rigorous scholastic programs, we inculcate Military traits and attributes in our children. We train and prepare our students for NDA as well as other competitive exams through a methodical and well-designed Military training. We have designed 64 sessions, in std 7th and 8th known on "Ramdandi Training". Which give our students basic skills like Archery, Horse riding, gymnastics, Swimming, Mallakhamb, Yoga, Shooting, drill, Karate etc.
We strongly believe that the process of education is a collaborative efforts of professional Administrators, dedicated and committed teachers, motivated students and he responsible parents.
So lets pledge together to take our school to new heights to prepare our students to become future leaders and fulfill the dream of the visionary Dr. Shivram Moonje which he saw for our Indian youths.
Ramdandee Military Training also conducted in our campus.Thus, apart from the regular academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, many other innovative programs have been started by all the institutes run by the Society.

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